av David Bisbal asistió al evento de presentación de Unión Radio a los anunciantes en Miami | 100x100 BISBAL

viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

David Bisbal asistió al evento de presentación de Unión Radio a los anunciantes en Miami

David Bisbal noticias
United States

Union Radio makes presentation to advertisers in Miami

Union Radio presented 1/28 in Miami its global Spanish language information and entertainment platform to an audience of media buyers, agency representatives and clients. 26 million people worldwide listen to Union Radio’s programming in over 1,222 stations each day, and 11 million people visit their websites
The event was also attended by music celebrities, like singer David Bisbal.
Al evento también asistieron celebridades de la música, como el cantante David Bisbal.
Leer Radio Business Report USA, en Bisbalpress

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